>>Watch Here<<There have been many other cases like Terri's and there are many still to come. One case that deserves attention and also involves Judge Greer is the Scientology murder of Lisa McPherson. Here are some links to her story. May the world learn the lesson these ladies have to teach.
3-23-05 -ALERT- Breaking news! The Adult protective services are making a motion at this very moment to take over . They could legally take Terri into their custody due to a Myers Clinic Doctor who says Terri was misdiagnosed. If the Judge allows it, the TUBE COULD BE REINSERTED IN A MATTER OF HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD! If they do, they could turn this all around.TODAY!! Let's pray that this passes.
3-23-05 WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT MATTER WHEN THE JUDICIARY HAS AN AGENDA! Unless Jeb Bush commits political suicide by going in and snatching Terri from the Hospice by force, Terri will likely die within days. I was so confident that the motion to take custody yesterday was the solution, at least temporary. But there is obviously no end to the murderous bent in the heart of Judge Greer. If this was a liberal Democrat Governor asking to save a damn tree or a rare dung beetle, I have no doubt that this twisted State Court system would have moved heaven and Earth to come to the rescue. Human life does not rank as highly with Liberals as other 'secondary' life forms. There is no doubt that the driving force behind this decision was purely political. Now we must watch them murder her and then refuse the parent's the right to bury her properly. Because Michael fears that an autopsy will show the abuse and neglect , and that it will point to the fact that her brain was capable of improving with the therapy she was deprived of, the Judge has ordered that his wishes to cremate her body immediately be upheld.
It is my belief that the Hospice, the Judge and the lawyer should be investigated, as well as Michael. Why? Because Mr. Felos ( Schiavo's Attny.) is on the board of the Hospice where Terri spent the last FIVE YEARS! Hospices are a place to die, they afford no therapy and only end of life care. The relationship between Judge Greer, Mr. Felos, The Hospice needs to be explored, as well as the relationship they had with Schiavo prior to Terri's collapse. There needs to be an autopsy to determine once and for all that the cause of Terri's condition was not fowl play. However,NONE of these things will be considered. Now do you see what I meant in the columns 'MEN IN BLACK ' and ' Supreme Court Kings ', when I said that the Judicial system in this Country is omnipotent. They are ushering in a new and dangerous era. We are all subject to at any time, lose every right afforded us by the Constitution and God, when a Judge has the ultimate authority to rule supreme!
Crystal said...
Very well done.. I too am blogging about Terri and making sure the facts get out and the craziness that this is about the right to die....For goodness sakes she is conscious unlike what was in some of the newspapers today...
Ken said...
Thank you Crystal, for your kind words. I have been beating people about the head with this story for years now. I just can't see how we can all sit by and watch these courts uphold such anti moral decisions. If you get the chance to check out my story about these judges, please do. It is called 'Men in Black'. You can find it in my archives. I am on lunch break right now, but this PM I will be going to your site and check out your Terri piece. I am looking forward to it.
Thanks again.
Kathy said...
Ken, that was a powerfull story. Thank you for telling us to visit your site,it is very well done. She is in our prayers and I know Gods does answer prayers. Keep us informed of future news.God Bless you,Ken
Rebecca said...
Hi Ken!!
I'm glad I found your site:) Maybe if enough of us who are blogging for Terri get the news out we can prevent this tragedy that seems so certain sometimes. I really appreciate how you've written the story. Great Blog!
Straight Up with Sherri said...
I am glad to see you blooging for Terri.
I espacially nove your "aaaaany minute now" On waiting for the Libs...
We won't hold our breath....er...I mean, we won't hold our food and water supply.
Tracy said...
Ken, I think the thing that makes this story and so many others in the media so frustrating is the folks that report all these "facts" that aren't facts at all. I told the real facts such as Terri is not on life support, but she is being fed by a tube, and that she is not in a vegetative state but recognizes her parents and tries to communicate with them, and that her husband has lots of money to use for her care and rehab, but refuses to get that for her so that she can become better, and the fact that he has a woman in his life which by he has fathered 2 children and that he wants to starve her to death and won't even let someone brush her teeth, for God's sake-how sick is that...to my 14 year old son, and he said, Mom, that's Murder. If he can recognize that, why can't a judge? Something is wrong in our country today when anyone tries to play God. That's not your Job-God is perfectly capable to handle this. For the life of me, I can't figure out why they won't give this lady back to her parents who love her and want her--oh wait, could it have something to do with agendas and the almighty dollar??
MMMM MMM MMM Someone will be held accountable for their actions on this one. God bless Terri's parents and her family for being treated worse than a dog, or a criminal or even terrorists. This is just so sad and pathetic. Just makes you want to shake someone-like a judge for instance.
Ken said...
Thanks for your insight and for sharing your frustration with this issue. No they are not going to escape the punishment of God. Judge George Greer is just as guilty as Michael Schiavo . Did you see the update I posted about the possibility that her condition was a likely the result of strangulation? Mr. Schiavo was offered a million dollars to leave her in her parents care. Why would he want to kill her so bad that he would turn down that kind of money?
Is it possible that a more capable Terri might say something that he wants to silence? Mr. Schiavo, did you strangle your wife and use the corrupt liberal circuit judge to cover your crime? Are you trying to kill her in the public eye, since your attempt in the confines of her home failed?
God will have mercy on Terri when she dies, I don't think you will qualify for that blessing.
My heart is comforted by the knowledge that she won't have to spend eternity in the same place as you.
Thanks for the participation Tracy.
Maggie said...
just dropped by to say hello. I am also blogging for Terri and the cause in general. I am an Australian Catholic.
I have three sites that you might like to visit.