Terri Schiavo needs our help!!!!!
The US House of Representatives will be hearing an amendment to the habeas corpus bill that would allow it's use in cases like Terri's.It will be presented by Palm Bay, Florida Representative Dave Weldon on Tuesday 3-8-05. This ammendment will ask for the mentally incapacitated to be aforded the rights of habeas corpus (stay of execution) if they did not have a "Durable Medical Power of Attorney" signed prior to the loss of the ability to speak for themselves. If this bill passes , Terri will not be starved on March 18th. If it is passed, the Schindlers (Terri's Mom and Dad) will have time to fight to gain rights to their daughter. They are currently seeking to divorce Terri from Michael Schiavo due to his living with another woman whom he has fathered two kids with.
We offer prayers for Terri and for America. Because if this is allowed it could set a precedent that could allow for legalized euthanasia! The Catholic church agreed with me last week. The Vatican believes this is a possibility. Please write to your state representative. Please urge them to vote "yes"on Representative Dave Weldon's proposal and demand that they stand up for the right to live! Tell them you will not forgive a "No" vote on this issue!!!! You are their boss, make them listen, it is the least we can do for Terri and for America.
Murderers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy are afforded a federal court habeas corpus review without merit. However the Supreme court has found a way to refuse Terri of this same right. You can give Charlie Manson a stay of execution and refuse Terri?
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