Terri Schiavo will be murdered.....Slowly

Can the US Congress stop this in time?
I have heard people say they would not want to live like Terri is living. They say that when they are reduced to that level of life quality, they want to be let go. I respect that. I hope this issue has brought it to your attention the serious need to secure a living will! I would not want to be kept on life support for an exhaustive length of time. However, Terri is not on life support. She has a feeding tube because she was denied the therapy that would help her.33 Doctors have said that she could not only learn to swallow and eat on her own. She could even learn to talk. Speech therapists have said they have taught stroke victims to speak that did not have the ability Terri has. However she has lived in a Hospice for 5 years. She also has been denied the basic care afforded muderers and terrorists! Mr. Schiavo has removed the tube before. Can you imagine the pain of having one of those tubes pulled through your body and then going 8 days without food or water? Terri went through that. Now they want to do it again. Last time her parents were not allowed to give her ice on her lips to ease the pain, and she was denied final rights becouse they interfeared with her condemnation to starve and dehydrate to death.
Would I want to be rehabilitated if I was in the exact same state as Terri? YES. Please, if I am able to respond to you, if I am able to show the slightest will to live, if I am able to survive without any outside help, and if I can survive the abuse and neglect she has for 15 years! I have one request... Please feed me!!!
As of today (3-17-05), the outlook is bleak. Last night the US House of Representatives passed the 'Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act' by a vote of 78 to 37. This act would protect people who are incapacitated and do not have a will from being starved and dehydrated!
The next step was for the US Senate to vote on it. If ratified it would stop the murder that will take place on Friday 3-18-05 at 1:00 (12:00 CST)
Well, the Senate did vote on the bill. Sorta, you see, there is a discrepency in the congress these days. The Senate rule change about to happen and the threat by the Democrats to shut down or oppose every issue forwarded by conservative Republicans, is comming soon!. The Senate could not pass the bill presented to them by the House. So they passed a revised version of the bill. This is fine and well, but this means that this revised version will have to go back before the House for verification and another vote.
The House is in closed session. We will sit on the edge of our seats today and watch and see.
The Congress got involved after the corrupt US Supreme Court denied the families pleas to save their daughter. Republicans in Congress said they were ' intervening as a matter of conscience.
However, when the US House ended business for the day, they walked away with the amended bill still on the table. WHY???? They had time to vote on this and end the issue NOW!!!!

I am so outraged at this. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) was directly responsible. If he had forced the issue he could have taken care of this tonight. Shame on you Tom. I will remember this upon your re-election bid. I'm a Texan and it is voters like me that keep you in your job.
They were not happy in the House with this revised bill because it calls for a stay for Terri 'only' so it would not be a permanent fix. Ok, Mr. Delay HELP TERRI NOW!!!! We can come back to the issue later and ratify a permanent bill. This has to stop now.
Today President Bush urged the Congress, in a written statement, to take action! He said, ``Those who live at the mercy of others deserve our special care and concern,'' Bush said ``It should be our goal as a nation to build a culture of life'' that ``must extend to individuals with disabilities.''
Republican state Rep. Kevin Ambler said: "This provides a safety net where the government stands up for the vulnerable who don't otherwise have a voice."
Senate leader Bill Frist said, "If we don't act or if somebody does not act, a living person who has a level of consciousness, who is self-breathing, will be starved to death here in the next two weeks,"
Now is there any question as to which party has the best intrest of people's rights at heart?
It is excruciatingly painful to have these feeding tubes removed. How do I know? Because I listened to the testimony of a woman who was in an 'actual' mis-diagnosed vegitated state,which was an actual coma, for years. She remembers hearing the debate between the doctors who said she was a lost cause. They decided to remove her tubes and she went days without food. She survived and is a productive member of society now.
There are countless examples of people who were severely handicapped and went on to live long lives. All of those people were afforded the right to therapy and proper care! Why is Terri any different.
The corrupt judge Greer in Florida has issued another travesty! He ruled that immediately after she dies, Michael Schiavo can have her CREMATED. This just further rouses the suspicion that he is tring to keep her from revealing something. Something like his guilt for strangling her mabe?
The true culprits in this case are the courts, judges,doctors and politicians who seek to promote their pro-choice,pro-suicide, pro-euthenasia agendas! This case will help them take a tighter grip on the throat of the most basic of Judeo Christian rights and values.
This promotes a culture of death in our society.
We as Christians are being attacked as well as Terri. We as Christians must come to an awareness that we are at war. We are being attacked by an ideology bent on our destruction. As America rose up from the ashes of 911, we must rise up from the ashes of millions of voiceless souls who are slaughtered by liberals in America. Lets Roll, it's time we as Christians produced alittle shock and awe of our own. Don't allow yourself to be despondant becouse of this.
I think it's time we use our neuclear option and vote out every last leftist in offices of power. We can not afford to be constantly attacked and stand still taking it! We are the children of God, we call America our home. These who are bent on our desolation must not be allowed to exude power over us. These are the days we knew were coming. These are the days of ideological warfare to be fought with spirit and words of truth. We must show ourselves to be ready.
Please continue to write to your Senator and House represenative and let your voice be heard. Write a single point driven paragraph.
Please feel free to comment at the bottom of the page.
- Update-
As of 1:00 (CST) the Florida state court has ruled that Terri's tube can be removed. There is speculation that the US House and Senate may not have juristiction in this case. That is deplorable! My harsh words against the Majority leader, Tom DeLay , are words of frustration and I retract them. I heard him announce today that he is determined to see to it that Terri lives. The Senate has supeanaed Terri to testify. This could delay the removal of the tube until next week. The Senate wants to see for themselves the actual state that Terri is in. We offer our prayers at this hour, and I will further update this blog after 5:00pm tonight.
May God's will be done.
-1:15 (CST)UPDATE-
Judge Greer has issued an order to remove Terri's tubes imediately! He has refused the request by the Congress to interview her!
If you wonder how we got this far in this case. There is a comprehensive list that starts with her birth and ends today. I am going to post it below.
I can't believe that we have allowed this to get this far again. For God's sake, rehab her and let her have a chance to live!
Judge Greer userped the Congressional protection issued to individuals who are supeanaed to testify, and ordered the tube to be removed!
The tube was removed at 2:45 today.
God have mercy on all our souls. In a way we are all parties to this becouse we have allowed Liberalism to warp our country and upturn our nation's values. I will NEVER stop fighting these liberals. I am more determined now than I have ever been.
God bless you Terri

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