America loses when omnipotent judiciaries rule

Unless Jeb Bush commits political suicide by going in and snatching Terri from the Hospice by force, Terri will likely die within days. I was so confident that the motion to take custody yesterday was the solution, at least temporary. But there is obviously no end to the murderous bent in the heart of Judge Greer. If this was a liberal Democrat Governor asking to save a damn tree or a rare dung beetle, I have no doubt that this twisted State Court system would have moved heaven and Earth to come to the rescue. Human life does not rank as highly with Liberals as other 'secondary' life forms. There is no doubt that the driving force behind this decision was purely political. Now we must watch them murder her and then refuse the parent's the right to bury her properly. Because Michael fears that an autopsy will show the abuse and neglect , and that it will point to the fact that her brain was capable of improving with the therapy she was deprived of, the Judge has ordered that his wishes to cremate her body immediately be upheld.
It is my belief that the Hospice, the Judge and the lawyer should be investigated, as well as Michael. Why? Because Mr. Felos ( Schiavo's Attny.) is on the board of the Hospice where Terri spent the last FIVE YEARS! Hospices are a place to die, they afford no therapy and only end of life care. The relationship between Judge Greer, Mr. Felos, The Hospice needs to be explored, as well as the relationship they had with Schiavo prior to Terri's collapse. There needs to be an autopsy to determine once and for all that the cause of Terri's condition was not fowl play. However, NONE of these things will be considered. Now do you see what I meant in the columns 'MEN IN BLACK ' and ' Supreme Court Kings ', when I said that the Judicial system in this Country is omnipotent. They are ushering in a new and dangerous era. We are all subject to at any time, lose every right afforded us by the Constitution and God, when a Judge has the ultimate authority to rule supreme!

Unless Jeb Bush commits political suicide by going in and snatching Terri from the Hospice by force, Terri will likely die within days. I was so confident that the motion to take custody yesterday was the solution, at least temporary. But there is obviously no end to the murderous bent in the heart of Judge Greer. If this was a liberal Democrat Governor asking to save a damn tree or a rare dung beetle, I have no doubt that this twisted State Court system would have moved heaven and Earth to come to the rescue. Human life does not rank as highly with Liberals as other 'secondary' life forms. There is no doubt that the driving force behind this decision was purely political. Now we must watch them murder her and then refuse the parent's the right to bury her properly. Because Michael fears that an autopsy will show the abuse and neglect , and that it will point to the fact that her brain was capable of improving with the therapy she was deprived of, the Judge has ordered that his wishes to cremate her body immediately be upheld.
It is my belief that the Hospice, the Judge and the lawyer should be investigated, as well as Michael. Why? Because Mr. Felos ( Schiavo's Attny.) is on the board of the Hospice where Terri spent the last FIVE YEARS! Hospices are a place to die, they afford no therapy and only end of life care. The relationship between Judge Greer, Mr. Felos, The Hospice needs to be explored, as well as the relationship they had with Schiavo prior to Terri's collapse. There needs to be an autopsy to determine once and for all that the cause of Terri's condition was not fowl play. However, NONE of these things will be considered. Now do you see what I meant in the columns 'MEN IN BLACK ' and ' Supreme Court Kings ', when I said that the Judicial system in this Country is omnipotent. They are ushering in a new and dangerous era. We are all subject to at any time, lose every right afforded us by the Constitution and God, when a Judge has the ultimate authority to rule supreme!

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