
The 11th District court has DENIED the request to reinstate Terri's tube!
The last bastion of hope will be the US SUPREME COURT. They have denied the hearing of this case already and could do such again today. The chances of Terri winning today are less than .01%. All we can do now is pray, and prepare for Terri to go home to God in the next few days.
God bless all.
I felt I needed to add one last thought for you to contemplate today.
In 1933 there was a baby named " Baby Knauer". This baby was 6 months old and had only one leg, one arm, and was blind. The parents were beside themselves as to what to do. A poll was taken. 76% of the populous said to let that baby die! So they took it to the government and asked what should be done. The newly elected leader " Adolph Hitler", decided to remove the feeding tube and let the baby die. Later it was this precedent that allowed for the holocaust and 73% of Germany agreed that 6 million Jews could be murdered by starvation due to the poor quality of life they were perceived to have. Do you see now what I am saying when I say that the culture of death we are creating in America today is deleterious to our society? We saw a recent poll that asked whether Terri should be starved to death or not. The results of the poll were identical to that of the German poll! Is the Terri Schiavo case our Baby Knauer? Will millions of handicapped people die under this new precedent? Will the courts become our new fuehrer? Can America recover from the 'Culture of Death' we are in?
The last sliver of hope Terri and America has is the Supreme court and "MABE" the Florida State Senate! There are 6 Senators (Republican) Senators who are stalling this ruling.
If you live in Florida, call the Senate and tell them that you will not sit still and watch them kill this lady. If they do, VOTE THEM OUT! I'd rather have ALL Democrat Senators in Florida, than to have obstructionist Republicans who have no respect for the sanctity of life!

The 11th District court has DENIED the request to reinstate Terri's tube!
The last bastion of hope will be the US SUPREME COURT. They have denied the hearing of this case already and could do such again today. The chances of Terri winning today are less than .01%. All we can do now is pray, and prepare for Terri to go home to God in the next few days.
God bless all.
I felt I needed to add one last thought for you to contemplate today.
In 1933 there was a baby named " Baby Knauer". This baby was 6 months old and had only one leg, one arm, and was blind. The parents were beside themselves as to what to do. A poll was taken. 76% of the populous said to let that baby die! So they took it to the government and asked what should be done. The newly elected leader " Adolph Hitler", decided to remove the feeding tube and let the baby die. Later it was this precedent that allowed for the holocaust and 73% of Germany agreed that 6 million Jews could be murdered by starvation due to the poor quality of life they were perceived to have. Do you see now what I am saying when I say that the culture of death we are creating in America today is deleterious to our society? We saw a recent poll that asked whether Terri should be starved to death or not. The results of the poll were identical to that of the German poll! Is the Terri Schiavo case our Baby Knauer? Will millions of handicapped people die under this new precedent? Will the courts become our new fuehrer? Can America recover from the 'Culture of Death' we are in?
The last sliver of hope Terri and America has is the Supreme court and "MABE" the Florida State Senate! There are 6 Senators (Republican) Senators who are stalling this ruling.
If you live in Florida, call the Senate and tell them that you will not sit still and watch them kill this lady. If they do, VOTE THEM OUT! I'd rather have ALL Democrat Senators in Florida, than to have obstructionist Republicans who have no respect for the sanctity of life!

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