Terri touched the face of God today!

Today we mourn the loss of an innocent life. Terri Schiavo died this morning at 9:05am (Florida time)
Some have been on the side of life and preserving it . Just as there are people who honestly do not want to be in a position such as Terri's. I will not address the factions and individuals who want to promote a culture of death. I am sick of fighting with them, they have no chance of redemption through reasoning.
First of all, to all my friends and relatives who understood and supported Terri's right to life. I want to thank you for all you did, it is not in vain. You were defending the life of God's loved one in the war waged against Christ by liberalism. Don't fall asleep now that this has come to a close.
There will continue to be assaults on us by the Federal and State Courts of America. These assaults will continue as long as we allow the Judiciary to reign supreme. There was a LEGAL bill ratified by Congress that requested a de novo reviewin the case. There were petitions that the tube be reinserted until a complete review of the case could be achieved. Her rights were denied by every court, and the voice of the people i.e.: the voice of Congress was ignored. When the court system is allowed to be the sole arbiter of our quality of life, we all lose. A government that has a vested interest in the solvency of social programs like Social Security and Medicare has no bussiness with powers to evaluate the quality of life. How long will it take until we see the government put in place a team of life assessers who roam the halls of every nursing home, hospital, and rehab determining who should die? What do you want to bet they will know who is drawing benefits and who is without a loving guardian. If America continues to be ruled solely by the decisions of the Supreme Court and it's Appeals Courts, we will live in a country ruled in the peril of an oligarchy , not a Democracy.
As for those who say, " I hate to see Terri go through this, but I would not want to live that way." or, " I would not want to force her to live that way." If this is you, hang tight. I'll see if I can help.
First of all I want to say, I know you. I am not attacking you. I simply want you to think on another level. I know you are not someone with evil intent. You are someone who is compassionate and loves Terri just as much as we do. You feel you know what Terri wanted because you looked inside yourself and realized you would want to be mercifully euthanized. You simply have been fooled by the concerted agenda of the left. They have used your natural reactions to mislead you about this case. This may come as a shock to you, but I would not want to live like that either. I however would not want to live like a baby. I would not want to be dependant on someone for my every need.I would not want someone to have to feed me and teach me all the basic skills. I especially wouldn't want to be a baby who was neglected at the level Terri was. Of course you can see the absurdity of wanting to starve a baby, why not Terri?
Who are we to assess the quality of life for others. Was Christopher Reeves or Steven Hawking forced to live? Or should we have stepped in and done the humane thing and pulled their plug? No, feeding her would be the humane thing to do.
We have a natural propensity to put ourselves in other's shoes and use our perception based on our current living standards to assess theirs'. There is great folly in this. The Germans in 1932 made that same mistake when they decided to starve a handicapped 6 month old to death. The people were supportive of it. Just as they were when the notion that Jews had no quality of life, landed them in Auschwitz and many other KZ camps. It was a compassionate public using the same means of life assessment that America did when we killed Terri.The same precedence was set in America today, that led to the Holocaust! Please take time and think on this. It is paramount to our future.
Should judges be the arbiters of life? Don't you think that is usurping God's authority? Even though I would not want to live like Terri! If I experienced the reality that she did in her first year of therapy, I would have hope and not seek death. She was in therapy. She was getting better. She was going through the same treatments many of us have seen loved ones receive after a stroke. The fact is that many stroke victims regain certain functionalities. Terri had similar chances.
So much was unclear about this case. These are only a few reasons she deserved a full hearing at the Federal level: For example,Some doctors said she was PVS, some doctors said she wasn't. Also, wouldn't it be the natural reaction of a LOVING spouse to seek the treatments suggested by the doctors who say she CAN be rehabilitated? Why would you lobby to keep those doctors from attempting to save your wife, unless you had reasons to want her dead. He did have reasons, he had a girlfriend at the very time he stood in the court room and pleaded for money to take Terri home and care for her "for the rest of her life." Then just after cashing the settlement check, He changed his mind and said he knew she wanted to die. He stated on Larry King 'barely' Alive, that he did not know what Terri's wishes were. Why the inconsistency? Many people say that he had asked for their help in deciding what she would want. Then, seven years after the fact, at the same time as the settlement he suddenly remembers a scenario in which Terri told him she wanted to die. If this is a coincidence, where does it fit with all the other coincidences? Such as- There were broken bones that were never investigated.On March 5, 1991 a bone scan was taken of Terri. When the family asked to see the records of the scan,Michael had the files sealed. They were not opened and made public until 2002. That's when we saw that there were bone bruises and ossifications, compression fractures, broken vertebra (Back), pelvis, ankle, even her femur was broken. This was explained away as being the hospital's fault. So why wasn't an investigation done on the Hospital staff?
There are doctors who say that she never had a heart attack because certain enzymes were not present in her body to support such findings.
Plus, Dr. Walker ( who conducted the scan in 1991) stated in his deposition : a) The injuries indicated by the scan occurred on or around the time that Terri Schiavo collapsed; b) The abnormalities on the bone scan were not typical of someone suffering cardiac arrest and collapsing to the floor, and c) The fractures indicated by the bone scan are not typical of patients bedridden only thirteen months.
Too many unanswered questions remained in this case and it should have been reviewed de novo! The fact that it wasn't afforded the full review is a travesty of justice and can be defined no other way than State assisted Murder.
If ever you or I find ourselves in an end of life reality, we likely agree that we would want to be allowed to die. But do you want to be Dehydrated and starved to death? They can't administer a lethal injection to help you go faster and easier because that is clearly defined as murder.Yet they can deny you food and water! Is that mercy?
Would you want to allow your list of guardians to go to court and decide who has your best interest at heart? If my blood relatives saw my spouse killing me for personal gain, I would want them to have a fair chance to gain authority over me.
Also, if there is no hope for me, I do not want to die of dehydration. If I linger I want to be allowed to go on God's time not man's. Don't hook me up to various devices. However I do want to be fed and hydrated.
We may differ on the specifics, and I'm sure you have your own wishes. So it is in our best interest not to let anyone take those important wishes from you. Please, get an 'Advanced Directive'. Do not rely on a standard last will and testament. The standard forms are not specific enough to protect you in a court slanted against you. A pro-life friendly Advanced Directive is your best bet. You may want to experience the end-of-life differently than I do. It is your right to decide, however, it is not our right to make that determination for another. When we come to a case like Terri's and we can't tell without a shadow of a doubt what her wishes are, we should always chose life.
Please go to ' The National Right to Life' site and download / print the file. Click here>>>'The Will to Live'. It helps to protect Christians from the pitfalls that other wills are open to.

Today we mourn the loss of an innocent life. Terri Schiavo died this morning at 9:05am (Florida time)
Some have been on the side of life and preserving it . Just as there are people who honestly do not want to be in a position such as Terri's. I will not address the factions and individuals who want to promote a culture of death. I am sick of fighting with them, they have no chance of redemption through reasoning.
First of all, to all my friends and relatives who understood and supported Terri's right to life. I want to thank you for all you did, it is not in vain. You were defending the life of God's loved one in the war waged against Christ by liberalism. Don't fall asleep now that this has come to a close.
There will continue to be assaults on us by the Federal and State Courts of America. These assaults will continue as long as we allow the Judiciary to reign supreme. There was a LEGAL bill ratified by Congress that requested a de novo review
As for those who say, " I hate to see Terri go through this, but I would not want to live that way." or, " I would not want to force her to live that way." If this is you, hang tight. I'll see if I can help.
First of all I want to say, I know you. I am not attacking you. I simply want you to think on another level. I know you are not someone with evil intent. You are someone who is compassionate and loves Terri just as much as we do. You feel you know what Terri wanted because you looked inside yourself and realized you would want to be mercifully euthanized. You simply have been fooled by the concerted agenda of the left. They have used your natural reactions to mislead you about this case. This may come as a shock to you, but I would not want to live like that either. I however would not want to live like a baby. I would not want to be dependant on someone for my every need.I would not want someone to have to feed me and teach me all the basic skills. I especially wouldn't want to be a baby who was neglected at the level Terri was. Of course you can see the absurdity of wanting to starve a baby, why not Terri?
Who are we to assess the quality of life for others. Was Christopher Reeves or Steven Hawking forced to live? Or should we have stepped in and done the humane thing and pulled their plug? No, feeding her would be the humane thing to do.
We have a natural propensity to put ourselves in other's shoes and use our perception based on our current living standards to assess theirs'. There is great folly in this. The Germans in 1932 made that same mistake when they decided to starve a handicapped 6 month old to death. The people were supportive of it. Just as they were when the notion that Jews had no quality of life, landed them in Auschwitz and many other KZ camps. It was a compassionate public using the same means of life assessment that America did when we killed Terri.The same precedence was set in America today, that led to the Holocaust! Please take time and think on this. It is paramount to our future.
Should judges be the arbiters of life? Don't you think that is usurping God's authority? Even though I would not want to live like Terri! If I experienced the reality that she did in her first year of therapy, I would have hope and not seek death. She was in therapy. She was getting better. She was going through the same treatments many of us have seen loved ones receive after a stroke. The fact is that many stroke victims regain certain functionalities. Terri had similar chances.
So much was unclear about this case. These are only a few reasons she deserved a full hearing at the Federal level: For example,Some doctors said she was PVS, some doctors said she wasn't. Also, wouldn't it be the natural reaction of a LOVING spouse to seek the treatments suggested by the doctors who say she CAN be rehabilitated? Why would you lobby to keep those doctors from attempting to save your wife, unless you had reasons to want her dead. He did have reasons, he had a girlfriend at the very time he stood in the court room and pleaded for money to take Terri home and care for her "for the rest of her life." Then just after cashing the settlement check, He changed his mind and said he knew she wanted to die. He stated on Larry King 'barely' Alive, that he did not know what Terri's wishes were. Why the inconsistency? Many people say that he had asked for their help in deciding what she would want. Then, seven years after the fact, at the same time as the settlement he suddenly remembers a scenario in which Terri told him she wanted to die. If this is a coincidence, where does it fit with all the other coincidences? Such as- There were broken bones that were never investigated.On March 5, 1991 a bone scan was taken of Terri. When the family asked to see the records of the scan,Michael had the files sealed. They were not opened and made public until 2002. That's when we saw that there were bone bruises and ossifications, compression fractures, broken vertebra (Back), pelvis, ankle, even her femur was broken. This was explained away as being the hospital's fault. So why wasn't an investigation done on the Hospital staff?
There are doctors who say that she never had a heart attack because certain enzymes were not present in her body to support such findings.
Plus, Dr. Walker ( who conducted the scan in 1991) stated in his deposition : a) The injuries indicated by the scan occurred on or around the time that Terri Schiavo collapsed; b) The abnormalities on the bone scan were not typical of someone suffering cardiac arrest and collapsing to the floor, and c) The fractures indicated by the bone scan are not typical of patients bedridden only thirteen months.
Too many unanswered questions remained in this case and it should have been reviewed de novo! The fact that it wasn't afforded the full review is a travesty of justice and can be defined no other way than State assisted Murder.
If ever you or I find ourselves in an end of life reality, we likely agree that we would want to be allowed to die. But do you want to be Dehydrated and starved to death? They can't administer a lethal injection to help you go faster and easier because that is clearly defined as murder.Yet they can deny you food and water! Is that mercy?
Would you want to allow your list of guardians to go to court and decide who has your best interest at heart? If my blood relatives saw my spouse killing me for personal gain, I would want them to have a fair chance to gain authority over me.
Also, if there is no hope for me, I do not want to die of dehydration. If I linger I want to be allowed to go on God's time not man's. Don't hook me up to various devices. However I do want to be fed and hydrated.
We may differ on the specifics, and I'm sure you have your own wishes. So it is in our best interest not to let anyone take those important wishes from you. Please, get an 'Advanced Directive'. Do not rely on a standard last will and testament. The standard forms are not specific enough to protect you in a court slanted against you. A pro-life friendly Advanced Directive is your best bet. You may want to experience the end-of-life differently than I do. It is your right to decide, however, it is not our right to make that determination for another. When we come to a case like Terri's and we can't tell without a shadow of a doubt what her wishes are, we should always chose life.
Please go to ' The National Right to Life' site and download / print the file. Click here>>>'The Will to Live'. It helps to protect Christians from the pitfalls that other wills are open to.