When evil drives the logic our Judicial system uses to decide matters of basic human rights, young heroes of Christian faith are compelled by their clear vision of right and wrong, to do what is right. This young man, Gabriel Keys,
was among many who were arrested for trespassing in Pinellas Park, Florida outside the Hospice yesterday. They were arrested for trying to sneak water in to Terri.
Terri's parents are searched thoroughly before they are allowed into the room to see her. You would think they were visiting a hardened criminal.
This young man (above) is clearer on what's right and what's wrong than the 75%+ of people polled. Why is this? Two words.... Mainstream Media.
It escapes me as to why the opposition can't see their error. Does it make them happy to see beautiful young Christian children relegated to criminal status for attempting to thwart the powers of evil that seek to kill an innocent woman?
God help us!