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A Story of Murder


With all the crazy news these days, we sometimes just grow numb to the 'shock' sensation. I have heard some really gruesome tales of kidnapping, murder and molestation in the past 5 years. There have been some horrible tales of man's inhumanities to man of late.

Which brings me to this story out of Florida. I am telling you, this is a big one. Does the lady in the photo above, look familiar to you? She is in BIG trouble! She is going to be executed on Feb. 22nd 2005.Even though there was a gubernatorial enacted law to stay her execution, the law was time limited. A court has recently agreed that when this stay of execution times out on Tuesday she is to be turned over to the man who will flip the switch.

I love to watch Law and Order, and investigative re-enactment shows. Because at first you get vague information, and then in the summation, it all falls in place. The measure of good ' TV show ' writing is the ability to swerve the audience's suspicions away from the killer until the summation. I think I have you confused enough ......

So, begins my summation:
The twist in this story is that the perpetrators and the victim are all askew. It is the husband who will be flipping the switch to kill her. It however is not an electrocution, no, not an injection. They even decided to make her punishment so severe that most people would prefer to be shot in a firing line!

Miss Schindler will be slowly dehydrated and starved. Now I am looking to my gooood buddies on the far left to come running in and protest this! They should be here aaaaany minnnute ............. No? Wow. Where are the same Libs who are constantly worried about how our soldiers are treating terrorists. The terrorists don't qualify for the Geneva convention, but the law doesn't allow for America's enemies to be Starved and Dehydrated. I know why the Liberals won't protest, it would be contradictory to their pro abortion stance.

Why was this woman sentenced to die so heinously? She committed the crime of ...........
Having a potassium deficiency due to
bulimia. She became bulimic because of her husband's constant belittlement and insisting that she was " Fat"! " Who wants a FAT wife?" he would say.All she wanted was to please him.Fifteen years ago this lady, Terri Schindler Schiavo, had a heart attack due to the potassium deficiency which put her in the paralyzed state she is in now ( 2 out of the five doctors who examined her say she is NOT in a consistent vegetative state, if you watch her videos, you will see that she does appear to be cognitive).

Her husband, Michael Schiavo, brought a law suit against the doctors, and was rewarded a huge sum of money. It was to be used for Terri's support and rehabilitation.He knew that if he wanted his new wife and kids to prosper by this new found $$$, Terri had to die, and soon. Before it was all used up.
Right away Michael orders them not to resuscitate her if she fades away. Soon he took her to cheap nursing homes to get minimal care for the minimal price. He stopped a doctor from giving her penicillin when she had an infection. When the doctor said that she would die, Mr. Schiavo said " maybe that's what God wants". Michael could not let her stay in a higher priced facility that had already begun therapy. If he had left her there she may have been as lucky as
Sarah Scantlin . She was in a car crash 20 years ago and just woke up and is speaking. Now she can talk and defend herself.

Soon Mr. Schiavo got a Liberal judge to give him permission to pull her feeding tubes. Governor Jeb Bush stepped in and created a law to reinstate her tubes (After 6 days w/out food or water) . It was dubbed " Terri's law". Unfortunately, Terri's law times out on February 22nd, this coming Tuesday. The courts have upheld Michaels right to kill his wife. It's a " Right to die" issue the Libs say.

Funny how un-original they are in their terminology. My dear confused Libs, it is a " Right to LIFE" issue. You seem to think that you have the authority to assess the quality of our lives ! From where do you get this authority ?

Terri Schiavo can recognize her mom and dad.
She does have trouble with her ability to hold down a decent job though. So I guess we don't need to feed someone who doesn't contribute to society. However, following that logic, every teenage boy on Earth would be locked out of the refrigerator !

Terri's mom and dad have shed sweat and tears fighting Mr. Schiavo. They want to get their daughter out of there and some where she can get personalized care and be rehabilitated, something the money was earmarked for. I say, leave Terri's money where it belongs and let her parents have her back. Michael only wants control because he stands to lose greatly if she gets better or lives out the rest of her settlement pay .

Michael says Terri told him she would not want to live like that. It is however, very convenient that the only other witness to that conversation has been denied her right to therapy that could have gotten her well enough to dispute it.A while back, they had succeeded in removing Terri's tubes. During that time we were all sickened to hear that they
denied Terri's family the right to have their priest issue final communion , because it would be feeding her when she is under the order of starvation. Dear God what has this woman done to deserve such treatment. I am ashamed that this is even happening in America! How could we have fallen asleep and left the most vulnerable among us unguarded?

What are we doing here people? Why are we sitting by and watching these warp minded Supreme, Superior and Appeals Court Justices dictate morality and violate further the sanctity of life? They are on the wrong side of every issue. This has to stop. We must make these justices answer to an up or down concerted majority vote by the President and both houses of congress on issues that effect the Constitution and/or govern the freedom and well being of the populous. They cannot remain Omnipotent.

None of this will help this poor woman who everyone seems to attack and plot to kill, I just urge everyone in the state of Florida to sit on the porch of every state congressman and Senator. Do not let them keep their job if they stand by and let them kill this woman.These liberals are not the ones who assess my quality of life, God is my judge, and he will be the judge of those who kill Terri Schiavo.

The Squamata Report has joined forces with 'Prolifeblogs.com' and " http://www.blogsforterri.com/ "We will be adding our 125+ (and growing) blog address' to the pages of The St Petersburg Times, the largest distributed paper in Florida. We will be asking for support and public outcry against this horrible murder that is planned for Noon Feb. 22, 2005.

Please leave your comments on this blog (by selecting the 'Comment' link below). It will be viewable to thousands of people.I am as per my agreement with them posting links to the Bloggers who are participating. Please read more, and send these links to everyone you know.This
bill prohibits what is being done.

If you are in Florida, send this to every one in the legislative offices, and get out and stop this. If you are a blogger, you can go
HERE to copy and paste this blogroll on your links and display it for your readers.If you want to hear Glenn Beck tell this story, Click Here
Watch video of Terri>>>
RealPleayer and >>>RealPlayer


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February 19, 2007  

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