
"When I close my eyes at night, all I can see is Terri's face in front of me, dying, starving to death," Mary Schindler, Terri's Mom, said to cameras outside the Hospice today. "Please, someone out there, stop this cruelty. Stop the insanity. Please let my daughter live."
Does it strike you as ironic that in the last two weeks in Florida we have heard pleas of anguish and despair from two sets of families, appealing to the captors for their daughter's life?
Yet, both pleas fell on deaf ears. Both murderers continued on their homicidal ways, despite the many opportunities to allow them to return to their mother's loving arms.
In the first case we had so many people joining the search for the precious little girl who was lost. Then many people gathered to try and save another beloved daughter, Terri. All eyes and hearts were glued to the stories. However, regardless of the pleas and tears from these broken hearted parents, the murderers continued on, relentlessly, callously slaughtering God's innocent!
I am all for this pedophile murderer getting death for his crime. I will not be able to, nor do I want to forget the face of little 9-year-old Jessica Marie Lunsford. Her story is so sad. The human waste that cut her budding life short deserves what punishment he gets and then some.
However, Terri's murderers will not only get away scot free, but some (Michael) will profit greatly from it. I realize that there is little justice in our world, but how can we sit by and allow the Leftists in this country to get away with and prosper when they support murderers like him?
I say, we hold them accountable. When a liberal Democrat or a pandering Republican is up for re- election. VOTE THEM OUT! We may not be able to make them pay with their lives like John Couey will, but we can make them pay where it hurts them most.... Their seats of power and their wallet.
Of course the most guilty party in the Schiavo case, is Michael, but we needn't worry about him. Life insurance or no, this man likely has a special place in hell waiting on him.
As for the lawyers and politicians, lets be sure they can not do this to another innocent human being.
Let's put moral stewarts of the Constitution in state and federal seats. Let's also change the Judicial system so that they are never appointed for life,and their decisions should be dependant upon Congressional review. The three branches of Government are suppose to be
' seperate but equal '. There is no equality, if the Judicial system has the last say, despite the opposition of the other 2/3 majority .

"When I close my eyes at night, all I can see is Terri's face in front of me, dying, starving to death," Mary Schindler, Terri's Mom, said to cameras outside the Hospice today. "Please, someone out there, stop this cruelty. Stop the insanity. Please let my daughter live."
Does it strike you as ironic that in the last two weeks in Florida we have heard pleas of anguish and despair from two sets of families, appealing to the captors for their daughter's life?
Yet, both pleas fell on deaf ears. Both murderers continued on their homicidal ways, despite the many opportunities to allow them to return to their mother's loving arms.
In the first case we had so many people joining the search for the precious little girl who was lost. Then many people gathered to try and save another beloved daughter, Terri. All eyes and hearts were glued to the stories. However, regardless of the pleas and tears from these broken hearted parents, the murderers continued on, relentlessly, callously slaughtering God's innocent!
I am all for this pedophile murderer getting death for his crime. I will not be able to, nor do I want to forget the face of little 9-year-old Jessica Marie Lunsford. Her story is so sad. The human waste that cut her budding life short deserves what punishment he gets and then some.
However, Terri's murderers will not only get away scot free, but some (Michael) will profit greatly from it. I realize that there is little justice in our world, but how can we sit by and allow the Leftists in this country to get away with and prosper when they support murderers like him?
I say, we hold them accountable. When a liberal Democrat or a pandering Republican is up for re- election. VOTE THEM OUT! We may not be able to make them pay with their lives like John Couey will, but we can make them pay where it hurts them most.... Their seats of power and their wallet.
Of course the most guilty party in the Schiavo case, is Michael, but we needn't worry about him. Life insurance or no, this man likely has a special place in hell waiting on him.
As for the lawyers and politicians, lets be sure they can not do this to another innocent human being.
Let's put moral stewarts of the Constitution in state and federal seats. Let's also change the Judicial system so that they are never appointed for life,and their decisions should be dependant upon Congressional review. The three branches of Government are suppose to be
' seperate but equal '. There is no equality, if the Judicial system has the last say, despite the opposition of the other 2/3 majority .