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A Story of Murder


With all the crazy news these days, we sometimes just grow numb to the 'shock' sensation. I have heard some really gruesome tales of kidnapping, murder and molestation in the past 5 years. There have been some horrible tales of man's inhumanities to man of late.

Which brings me to this story out of Florida. I am telling you, this is a big one. Does the lady in the photo above, look familiar to you? She is in BIG trouble! She is going to be executed on Feb. 22nd 2005.Even though there was a gubernatorial enacted law to stay her execution, the law was time limited. A court has recently agreed that when this stay of execution times out on Tuesday she is to be turned over to the man who will flip the switch.

I love to watch Law and Order, and investigative re-enactment shows. Because at first you get vague information, and then in the summation, it all falls in place. The measure of good ' TV show ' writing is the ability to swerve the audience's suspicions away from the killer until the summation. I think I have you confused enough ......

So, begins my summation:
The twist in this story is that the perpetrators and the victim are all askew. It is the husband who will be flipping the switch to kill her. It however is not an electrocution, no, not an injection. They even decided to make her punishment so severe that most people would prefer to be shot in a firing line!

Miss Schindler will be slowly dehydrated and starved. Now I am looking to my gooood buddies on the far left to come running in and protest this! They should be here aaaaany minnnute ............. No? Wow. Where are the same Libs who are constantly worried about how our soldiers are treating terrorists. The terrorists don't qualify for the Geneva convention, but the law doesn't allow for America's enemies to be Starved and Dehydrated. I know why the Liberals won't protest, it would be contradictory to their pro abortion stance.

Why was this woman sentenced to die so heinously? She committed the crime of ...........
Having a potassium deficiency due to
bulimia. She became bulimic because of her husband's constant belittlement and insisting that she was " Fat"! " Who wants a FAT wife?" he would say.All she wanted was to please him.Fifteen years ago this lady, Terri Schindler Schiavo, had a heart attack due to the potassium deficiency which put her in the paralyzed state she is in now ( 2 out of the five doctors who examined her say she is NOT in a consistent vegetative state, if you watch her videos, you will see that she does appear to be cognitive).

Her husband, Michael Schiavo, brought a law suit against the doctors, and was rewarded a huge sum of money. It was to be used for Terri's support and rehabilitation.He knew that if he wanted his new wife and kids to prosper by this new found $$$, Terri had to die, and soon. Before it was all used up.
Right away Michael orders them not to resuscitate her if she fades away. Soon he took her to cheap nursing homes to get minimal care for the minimal price. He stopped a doctor from giving her penicillin when she had an infection. When the doctor said that she would die, Mr. Schiavo said " maybe that's what God wants". Michael could not let her stay in a higher priced facility that had already begun therapy. If he had left her there she may have been as lucky as
Sarah Scantlin . She was in a car crash 20 years ago and just woke up and is speaking. Now she can talk and defend herself.

Soon Mr. Schiavo got a Liberal judge to give him permission to pull her feeding tubes. Governor Jeb Bush stepped in and created a law to reinstate her tubes (After 6 days w/out food or water) . It was dubbed " Terri's law". Unfortunately, Terri's law times out on February 22nd, this coming Tuesday. The courts have upheld Michaels right to kill his wife. It's a " Right to die" issue the Libs say.

Funny how un-original they are in their terminology. My dear confused Libs, it is a " Right to LIFE" issue. You seem to think that you have the authority to assess the quality of our lives ! From where do you get this authority ?

Terri Schiavo can recognize her mom and dad.
She does have trouble with her ability to hold down a decent job though. So I guess we don't need to feed someone who doesn't contribute to society. However, following that logic, every teenage boy on Earth would be locked out of the refrigerator !

Terri's mom and dad have shed sweat and tears fighting Mr. Schiavo. They want to get their daughter out of there and some where she can get personalized care and be rehabilitated, something the money was earmarked for. I say, leave Terri's money where it belongs and let her parents have her back. Michael only wants control because he stands to lose greatly if she gets better or lives out the rest of her settlement pay .

Michael says Terri told him she would not want to live like that. It is however, very convenient that the only other witness to that conversation has been denied her right to therapy that could have gotten her well enough to dispute it.A while back, they had succeeded in removing Terri's tubes. During that time we were all sickened to hear that they
denied Terri's family the right to have their priest issue final communion , because it would be feeding her when she is under the order of starvation. Dear God what has this woman done to deserve such treatment. I am ashamed that this is even happening in America! How could we have fallen asleep and left the most vulnerable among us unguarded?

What are we doing here people? Why are we sitting by and watching these warp minded Supreme, Superior and Appeals Court Justices dictate morality and violate further the sanctity of life? They are on the wrong side of every issue. This has to stop. We must make these justices answer to an up or down concerted majority vote by the President and both houses of congress on issues that effect the Constitution and/or govern the freedom and well being of the populous. They cannot remain Omnipotent.

None of this will help this poor woman who everyone seems to attack and plot to kill, I just urge everyone in the state of Florida to sit on the porch of every state congressman and Senator. Do not let them keep their job if they stand by and let them kill this woman.These liberals are not the ones who assess my quality of life, God is my judge, and he will be the judge of those who kill Terri Schiavo.

The Squamata Report has joined forces with 'Prolifeblogs.com' and " http://www.blogsforterri.com/ "We will be adding our 125+ (and growing) blog address' to the pages of The St Petersburg Times, the largest distributed paper in Florida. We will be asking for support and public outcry against this horrible murder that is planned for Noon Feb. 22, 2005.

Please leave your comments on this blog (by selecting the 'Comment' link below). It will be viewable to thousands of people.I am as per my agreement with them posting links to the Bloggers who are participating. Please read more, and send these links to everyone you know.This
bill prohibits what is being done.

If you are in Florida, send this to every one in the legislative offices, and get out and stop this. If you are a blogger, you can go
HERE to copy and paste this blogroll on your links and display it for your readers.If you want to hear Glenn Beck tell this story, Click Here
Watch video of Terri>>>
RealPleayer and >>>RealPlayer

Terri Schiavo needs our help!!!!!



The US House of Representatives will be hearing an amendment to the habeas corpus bill that would allow it's use in cases like Terri's.It will be presented by Palm Bay, Florida Representative Dave Weldon on Tuesday 3-8-05. This ammendment will ask for the mentally incapacitated to be aforded the rights of habeas corpus (stay of execution) if they did not have a "Durable Medical Power of Attorney" signed prior to the loss of the ability to speak for themselves. If this bill passes , Terri will not be starved on March 18th. If it is passed, the Schindlers (Terri's Mom and Dad) will have time to fight to gain rights to their daughter. They are currently seeking to divorce Terri from Michael Schiavo due to his living with another woman whom he has fathered two kids with.

We offer prayers for Terri and for America. Because if this is allowed it could set a precedent that could allow for legalized euthanasia! The Catholic church agreed with me last week. The Vatican believes this is a possibility. Please write to your state representative. Please urge them to vote "yes"on Representative Dave Weldon's proposal and demand that they stand up for the right to live! Tell them you will not forgive a "No" vote on this issue!!!! You are their boss, make them listen, it is the least we can do for Terri and for America.

Murderers like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy are afforded a federal court habeas corpus review without merit. However the Supreme court has found a way to refuse Terri of this same right. You can give Charlie Manson a stay of execution and refuse Terri?

CLICK HERE or on the title link and let your voice be heard.
Thank You.


Terri Schiavo will be murdered.....Slowly



Can the US Congress stop this in time?
I have heard people say they would not want to live like Terri is living. They say that when they are reduced to that level of life quality, they want to be let go. I respect that. I hope this issue has brought it to your attention the serious need to secure a living will! I would not want to be kept on life support for an exhaustive length of time. However, Terri is not on life support. She has a feeding tube because she was denied the therapy that would help her.33 Doctors have said that she could not only learn to swallow and eat on her own. She could even learn to talk. Speech therapists have said they have taught stroke victims to speak that did not have the ability Terri has. However she has lived in a Hospice for 5 years. She also has been denied the basic care afforded muderers and terrorists! Mr. Schiavo has removed the tube before. Can you imagine the pain of having one of those tubes pulled through your body and then going 8 days without food or water? Terri went through that. Now they want to do it again. Last time her parents were not allowed to give her ice on her lips to ease the pain, and she was denied final rights becouse they interfeared with her condemnation to starve and dehydrate to death.
Would I want to be rehabilitated if I was in the exact same state as Terri? YES. Please, if I am able to respond to you, if I am able to show the slightest will to live, if I am able to survive without any outside help, and if I can survive the abuse and neglect she has for 15 years! I have one request...
Please feed me!!!

As of today (3-17-05), the outlook is bleak. Last night the US House of Representatives passed the 'Incapacitated Person's Legal Protection Act' by a vote of 78 to 37. This act would protect people who are incapacitated and do not have a will from being starved and dehydrated!
The next step was for the US Senate to vote on it. If ratified it would stop the murder that will take place on Friday 3-18-05 at 1:00 (12:00 CST)
Well, the Senate did vote on the bill. Sorta, you see, there is a discrepency in the congress these days. The Senate rule change about to happen and the threat by the Democrats to shut down or oppose every issue forwarded by conservative Republicans, is comming soon!. The Senate could not pass the bill presented to them by the House. So they passed a revised version of the bill. This is fine and well, but this means that this revised version will have to go back before the House for verification and another vote.
The House is in closed session. We will sit on the edge of our seats today and watch and see.
The Congress got involved after the corrupt US Supreme Court denied the families pleas to save their daughter. Republicans in Congress said they were ' intervening as a matter of conscience.
However, when the US House ended business for the day, they walked away with the amended bill still on the table. WHY???? They had time to vote on this and end the issue NOW!!!!

I am so outraged at this. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) was directly responsible. If he had forced the issue he could have taken care of this tonight. Shame on you Tom. I will remember this upon your re-election bid. I'm a Texan and it is voters like me that keep you in your job.

They were not happy in the House with this revised bill because it calls for a stay for Terri 'only' so it would not be a permanent fix. Ok, Mr. Delay HELP TERRI NOW!!!! We can come back to the issue later and ratify a permanent bill. This has to stop now.

Today President Bush urged the Congress, in a written statement, to take action! He said, ``Those who live at the mercy of others deserve our special care and concern,'' Bush said ``It should be our goal as a nation to build a culture of life'' that ``must extend to individuals with disabilities.''
Republican state Rep. Kevin Ambler said: "This provides a safety net where the government stands up for the vulnerable who don't otherwise have a voice."
Senate leader Bill Frist said, "If we don't act or if somebody does not act, a living person who has a level of consciousness, who is self-breathing, will be starved to death here in the next two weeks,"
Now is there any question as to which party has the best intrest of people's rights at heart?

It is excruciatingly painful to have these feeding tubes removed. How do I know? Because I listened to the testimony of a woman who was in an 'actual' mis-diagnosed vegitated state,which was an actual coma, for years. She remembers hearing the debate between the doctors who said she was a lost cause. They decided to remove her tubes and she went days without food. She survived and is a productive member of society now.

There are countless examples of people who were severely handicapped and went on to live long lives. All of those people were afforded the right to therapy and proper care! Why is Terri any different.
The corrupt judge Greer in Florida has issued another travesty! He ruled that immediately after she dies, Michael Schiavo can have her CREMATED. This just further rouses the suspicion that he is tring to keep her from revealing something. Something like his guilt for strangling her mabe?

The true culprits in this case are the courts, judges,doctors and politicians who seek to promote their pro-choice,pro-suicide, pro-euthenasia agendas! This case will help them take a tighter grip on the throat of the most basic of Judeo Christian rights and values.

This promotes a culture of death in our society.

We as Christians are being attacked as well as Terri. We as Christians must come to an awareness that we are at war. We are being attacked by an ideology bent on our destruction. As America rose up from the ashes of 911, we must rise up from the ashes of millions of voiceless souls who are slaughtered by liberals in America. Lets Roll, it's time we as Christians produced alittle shock and awe of our own. Don't allow yourself to be despondant becouse of this.

I think it's time we use our neuclear option and vote out every last leftist in offices of power. We can not afford to be constantly attacked and stand still taking it! We are the children of God, we call America our home. These who are bent on our desolation must not be allowed to exude power over us. These are the days we knew were coming. These are the days of ideological warfare to be fought with spirit and words of truth. We must show ourselves to be ready.

Please continue to write to your Senator and House represenative and let your voice be heard. Write a single point driven paragraph.

Please feel free to comment at the bottom of the page.
- Update-
As of 1:00 (CST) the Florida state court has ruled that Terri's tube can be removed. There is speculation that the US House and Senate may not have juristiction in this case. That is deplorable! My harsh words against the Majority leader, Tom DeLay , are words of frustration and I retract them. I heard him announce today that he is determined to see to it that Terri lives. The Senate has supeanaed Terri to testify. This could delay the removal of the tube until next week. The Senate wants to see for themselves the actual state that Terri is in. We offer our prayers at this hour, and I will further update this blog after 5:00pm tonight.
May God's will be done.
-1:15 (CST)UPDATE-
Judge Greer has issued an order to remove Terri's tubes imediately! He has refused the request by the Congress to interview her!
If you wonder how we got this far in this case. There is a comprehensive list that starts with her birth and ends today. I am going to post it below.
I can't believe that we have allowed this to get this far again. For God's sake, rehab her and let her have a chance to live!


Judge Greer userped the Congressional protection issued to individuals who are supeanaed to testify, and ordered the tube to be removed!

The tube was removed at 2:45 today.

God have mercy on all our souls. In a way we are all parties to this becouse we have allowed Liberalism to warp our country and upturn our nation's values. I will NEVER stop fighting these liberals. I am more determined now than I have ever been.

God bless you Terri


Liberals want to err on the side of death!


Since we don't know Terri's wishes, shouldn't we err on the side of Life?

The Democrats are really pushing their luck lately. They are aligning with the 'right to die', 'assisted suicide' factions. Their policies are consistantly Incongruant to the will of the people.

I still have hope that on Monday, they will hash this out in Congress, and come to a conclusion.
The Senate called Terri to testify so they could stall the Tube removal and have a chance to at least look at her before they kill her. They should subpoena Judge George Greer and hold him in contempt of Congress. They should, and I hope they do! There is a federal law that says that if a witness is called to testify no judge can cause them harm or in any way hinder their ability to testify. Greer is in contempt and should be held as such.
He trampled on the authority of the people to forward his leftist agenda.
The Republican Congress Is determined to pass this thing. They just have to settle a few discrepancies. The Republicans want the bill to be broad and effect all in her condition. The Democrats/ and a few left of center Republicans are complicating the issue and blocking progress to keep from protecting the voiceless innocent who have no representaion.

Conservative Senators want the bill to read that a person "shall" have the right and the Democrats say it should read " May" have the right. There is actually a big difference between the two.I just hate the idea of arguing semantics while a mad man is killing his wife!
This war in the Senate is growing to a fevered pitch. Spurred on by Bush's Justice nominations being blocked, and the coming Senate rule change.

It is my prediction that the Democratic Party could lose eight or more seats in the senate and many more in the House this coming '06 election cycle.
If they continue to display themselves as obstructionist and thwart the will of the people, they may find themselves the modern day equivalent of the 'Whig' party.

Terri needs your prayers and your voice urging the Congress to act on this quickly.


December 3, 1963
Theresa (Terri) Marie Schiavo is born.

Novermber 1984
Terri and Michael Schiavo are married.

February 25, 1990
Terri Schiavo suffers cardiac arrest; doctors believe a potassium imbalance caused her heart attack, which led to brain damage due to lack of oxygen. She was taken to the Humana Northside Hospital where she was given a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) to provide nutrition and hydration.

May 12, 1990
Terri Schiavo is discharged from the hospital and taken to the College Park skilled care and rehabilitation facility.

June 18, 1990
Court appoints Michael Schiavo as guardian; Terri Schiavo’s parents do not object.

June 30, 1990
Terri Schiavo is transferred to Bayfront Hospital for further rehabilitation efforts.

September 1990
Terri Schiavo’s family brings her home, but three weeks later they return her to the College Park facility because the family is “overwhelmed by Terri’s care needs.”

November 1990
Michael Schiavo takes Terri Schiavo to California for experimental “brain stimulator” treatment, an experimental “thalamic stimulator implant” in her brain.

January 1991
The Schiavos return to Florida; Terri Schiavo is moved to the Mediplex Rehabilitation Center in Brandon where she receives 24-hour care.

July 19, 1991
Terri Schiavo is transferred to Sable Palms skilled care facility where she receives continuing neurological testing, and regular and aggressive speech/occupational therapy through 1994.

May 1992
Terri Schiavo’s parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, and Michael Schiavo stop living together.

August 1992
Terri Schiavo is awarded $250,000 in an out-of-court medical malpractice settlement with one of her physicians.

November 1992
The jury in the medical malpractice trial against another of Terri’s physicians awards more than one million dollars. In the end, after attorneys’ fees and other expenses, Michael Schiavo received about $300,000 and about $750,000 was put in a trust fund specifically for Terri Schiavo’s medical care.

February 14, 1993
Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers have a falling-out over the course of therapy for Terri Schiavo; Michael Schiavo claims that the Schindlers demand that he share the malpractice money with them.

July 29, 1993
Schindlers attempt to remove Michael Schiavo as Terri Schiavo’s guardian; the court later dismisses the suit.

March 1, 1994
First guardian ad litem, John H. Pecarek, submits his report. He states that Michael Schiavo has acted appropriately and attentively toward Terri Schiavo.

May 1998
Michael Schiavo petitions the court to authorize the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube; the Schindlers oppose, saying that Terri would want to remain alive. The court appoints Richard Pearse, Esq., to serve as the second guardian ad litem for Terri Schiavo.

December 20, 1998
The second guardian ad litem, Richard Pearse, Esq., issues his report in which he concluding that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state with no chance of improvement and that Michael Schiavo’s decision-making may be influenced by the potential to inherit the remainder of Terri Schiavo’s estate.

January 24, 2000
The trial begins; Pinellas-Pasco County Circuit Court Judge George Greer presides.
Testimony of Father Gerard Murphy

February 11, 2000
Judge Greer rules that Terri Schiavo would have chosen to have the PEG tube removed, and therefore he orders it removed, which, according to doctors, will cause her death in approximately 7 to 14 days.

March 2, 2000
The Schindlers file a petition with Judge Greer to allow “swallowing” tests to be performed on Terri Schiavo to determine if she can consume—or learn to consume—nutrients on her own.

March 7, 2000
Judge Greer denies the Schindlers’ petition to perform “swallowing” tests on Terri Schiavo.

March 24, 2000
Judge Greer grants Michael Schiavo’s petition to limit visitation to Terri Schiavo as well as to bar pictures. Judge Greer also stays his order until 30 days beyond the final exhaustion of all appeals by the Schindlers.
3-24-00 Greer Stay and Order Limiting Visitation

January 24, 2001
Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal (2nd DCA) upholds Judge Greer’s ruling that permits the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube.
In re Schiavo, 780 So. 2d 176 (2nd DCA 2001), rehearing denied (Feb. 22, 2001), review denied, 789 So. 2d 348 (Fla. 2001). (Case No.: SC01-559)
1-24-01 DCA Ruling

February 22, 2001
The Schindler family’s motion for an Appellate Court rehearing is denied.

March 12, 2001
Michael Schiavo petitions Judge Greer to lift his stay, issued March 24, 2000, in order to permit the removal of Terri Shiavo’s PEG tube.

March 29, 2001
Judge Greer denies Michael Schiavo’s motion to lift stay issued on March 24, 2000; Michael Schiavo can remove Terri’s PEG tube at 1 p.m. on April 20.
3-29-01 Greer Order

April 10, 2001
The 2nd DCA denies the Schindlers’ motion to extend Judge Greer’s stay, which is scheduled to expire April 20, 2001.
4-10-01 DCA Order

April 12, 2001
The Schindlers file a motion requesting that Judge Greer recuse himself.

April 12, 2001
The Schindlers petition the Florida Supreme Court to stay the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube.
4-12-01 Motion for Stay Part 1
4-12-01 Motion for Stay Part 2
4-12-01 Court’s Request for Response from Schiavo

April 16, 2001Judge Greer denies the Schindlers’ motion to recuse himself.

April 18, 2001
The Florida Supreme Court chooses not to review the decision of the 2nd DCA.
In re Schiavo, 789 So. 2d 248 (Fla. 2001). Case No.: SC01-559
3-22-01 Schindler family’s Notice to Appeal to Supreme Court
3-30-01 Schindlers’ Jurisdictional Brief Part 1
3-30-01 Schindlers’ Jurisdictional Brief Part 2
4-18-01 Order Denying Rehearing and Motion for Stay

April 20, 2001
Federal District Court Judge Richard Lazzara grants the Schindlers a stay until April 23, 2001, to exhaust all their possible appeals.

April 23, 2001
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the United States Supreme Court refuses to stay the case for a review by that Court.

April 24, 2001
By order of trial court Judge Greer, and upon issuance of a 2nd DCA mandate, Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube is removed

April 26, 2001
The Schindlers file an emergency motion with Judge Greer for relief from judgment based upon new evidence, which includes a claim that a former girlfriend of Michael Schiavo will testify that he lied about Terri Schiavo’s wishes; Judge Greer dismisses the motion as untimely. Also on this date, the Schindlers file a new civil suit that claims that Michael Schiavo perjured himself when he testified that Terri Schiavo had stated an aversion to remaining on life support. Pending this new civil trial, Circuit Court Judge Frank Quesada orders Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube to be reinserted.

April 30, 2001
Michael Schiavo files an emergency motion with the 2nd DCA to allow the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube.

May 9, 2001
The 2nd DCA announces a date for the hearing of oral arguments regarding Michael Schiavo’s motion of April 30, 2001.

June 25, 2001
Arguments in 2nd DCA regarding Michael Schiavo’s motion of April 30, 2001.

July 11, 2001
The 2nd DCA remands the case back to Judge Greer. (1) The 2nd DCA informs the Schindlers that they must address both their desire to have new evidence heard and their perjury claim against Michael Schiavo within the original guardianship proceeding; further, the Schindlers are instructed to file a new motion for relief from judgment in the guardianship proceeding. (2) The 2nd DCA instructs Judge Greer to weigh the Schinders’ new evidence in making a new determination of what Terri Schiavo would have wanted. (3) The 2nd DCA denies Michael Schiavo’s request to discontinue the PEG tube.
In re Schiavo, 792 So. 2d 551 (2nd DCA 2001).
7-11-01 DCA Order

August 7, 2001
After the 2nd DCA remands the case back to Judge Greer, he again finds that Michael Schiavo may remove Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube on August 28.

August 10, 2001
Judge Greer denies the Schindlers' motion (1) to have their own doctors examine Terri Schiavo, (2) to remove Michael Schiavo as her guardian, and (3) to disqualify himself from the proceedings.

August 17, 2001

Judge Greer delays the removal of Terri Schiavo's PEG tube until October 9 in order to allow the Schindlers time to appeal.

October 3, 2001

The 2nd DCA delays the removal of the PEG tube indefinitely.

October 17, 2001
The 2nd DCA rules that 5 doctors should examine Terri Schiavo to determine if she can improve with new medical treatment. The Schindlers and Michael Schiavo are to choose 2 doctors each, and the court is to appoint a doctor. The appeals court also affirms Greer’s denial of the motion to disqualify himself.
In re Schiavo, 800 So. 2d 640 (2nd DCA 2001).
10-17-01 DCA ruling

November 1, 2001
The 2nd DCA denies Michael Schiavo’s motion to rehear the case.

December 14, 2001
Michael Schiavo petitions the Florida Supreme Court to stay the October 17, 2001 ruling of the 2nd DCA. He states that he and the Schindlers will attempt to mediate the dispute in lieu of further litigation.
12-05-01 Michael Schiavo’s Notice of Appeal to the Florida Supreme Court
12-14-01 Michael Schiavo’s Motion to Stay DCA’s Ruling.

December 19, 2001
Attorneys meet with a mediator to determine which tests doctors should run on Terri Schiavo.

January 10, 2002
State Supreme Court stays all legal proceedings pending mediation; it orders attorneys to report on the status of mediation in sixty days.
1-10-02 SC Order of Stay

February 13, 2002
Mediation between the Schindlers and Michael Schiavo fails.
2-13-02 Notice that Mediation failed

March 14, 2002
The Florida Supreme Court denies Michael Schiavo’s petition to review the 2nd DCA’s ruling allowing 5 doctors to examine Terri Schiavo.
In re Schiavo, 816 So. 2d 127 (Fla. 2002) (Table, No. SC01-2678)
2-13-02 Michael Schiavo’s Jurisdictional Petition
2-13-02 Michael Schiavo’s Petition to Stay ruling of 2nd DCA (10/17/01).
2-22-02 Court’s Order of Stay pending its final decision
3-01-02 Schindler’s Jurisdictional Brief
3-13-01 Michael Schiavo’s Motion to Strike
3-14-01 Order Denying Schiavo’s Petition
3-14-01 Order to Strike

October 12-22, 2002
The trial court holds a new hearing on new potential medical treatments.

November 15, 2002
The Schindlers contend that Michael Schiavo might have abused Terri Schiavo and this abuse led to her condition. They ask the court for more time to collect evidence, and to remove Michael Schiavo as guardian.
11-15-02 Petition to remove MS as guardian

November 22, 2002
Judge Greer rules that Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube should be removed January 3, 2003.
In re Schiavo, 2002 WL 31817960 (Fla. Cir. Ct. Nov. 22, 2002) (No. 90-2908-GB-003)
Nov22 2002 TC trialctorder11-02.txt

December 13, 2002
Judge Greer stays his November 22 ruling: Terri Schiavo should not have her PEG tube removed until an appeals court can rule on the case.

December 23, 2002
The 2nd DCA denies a motion Michael Schiavo filed seeking permission to remove the PEG tube.

June 6, 2003
The 2nd DCA, affirming Judge Greer’s November 2002 ruling, concludes that Michael Schiavo can remove Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube on October 15.
In re Schiavo, 851 So. 2d 182 (2nd DCA 2003) (No. 2D02-5394), rehearing denied (July 9, 2003), review denied 855 So. 2d 621 (Fla. 2003).
6-06-03 Court Opinion

July 9, 2003
The 2nd DCA refuses to reconsider its decision.

August 22, 2003
The Florida Supreme Court declines to review the decision.
Schindler v. Schiavo, 855 So. 2d 621 (Fla. 2003) (Table, No. SC03-1242)
7-24-03 Notice of Schindlers' Appeal
7-31-03 Michael Schiavo’s Motion to Vacate
Court Order denying Motion to Vacate
8-07-03 Schindler's Petition for a Supreme Court Review
8-13-03 Michael Shiavo’s Response to Petition for Review
8-18-03 Schindlers motion for a Stay
8-19-03 Court Orders Schiavo to make a Respond for the Motion for Stay
8-20-03 Shiavo’s Response to Motion for Stay
8-22-03 Court Order denying Review and Motion for Stay

August 30, 2003
Terri Schiavo’s parents file a federal lawsuit challenging the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube. Schiavos’ petition (D). Schindler v. Schiavo, Civil Action No. 8:03-CV-1860-T-26-T-TGW

September 17, 2003
Judge Greer orders the removal of the PEG tube to take place on October 15, 2003. He also rejects the Schindlers’ request that Terri Schiavo be given therapy to learn how to eat without the tube.
9-17-03 Court Order

October 7, 2003
Governor Jeb Bush files a federal court brief in support of the Schindlers’ effort to stop the removal of the PEG tube.

October 10, 2003
Federal Court Judge Richard Lazzara rules that he lacks the jurisdiction to hear the federal case.

October 14, 2003
The 2nd DCA refuses to block Judge Greer’s order to remove the PEG tube.

October 15, 2003
Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube is once again removed.

October 17, 2003
The Florida Circuit Court in Pinellas County and the First District Court of Appeal refuse to grant a request made by the “supporters” of the Schindlers to direct Governor Jeb Bush to intervene in the Schiavo case.

October 19, 2003
The Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc. files a federal court lawsuit that claims that the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube is abuse and neglect.
Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc. v. Schiavo, No. 8:03-CV-2167-T-23EAJ

October 20, 2003
The Florida House of Representatives passes a bill, “Terri’s Law,” that allows the governor to issue a “one-time stay in certain cases.”

October 21, 2003
The Florida Senate passes the bill; Governor Bush issues an executive order directing reinsertion of the PEG tube and appointing a guardian ad litem for Terri Schiavo.
Schiavo Controversy Fla_ Gov_ Exec_ Order No_ 03-201.htm
Statements by some House members

October 21, 2003
Michael Schiavo files a state-court lawsuit arguing that “Terri’s Law” is unconstitutional and seeking an injunction to stop the reinsertion of the PEG tube; the court requests briefs on the Constitutional arguments about “Terri’s Law.”
10-21-03 Schiavo Injunction
Amicus Brief from House Speaker Byrd (B)
Schiavo v. Bush. No. 03-008212-CI-20 (Cir. Ct. Pinellas County, Florida).

October 21, 2003
The federal court denies the motion for a temporary restraining order filed in the lawsuit of the Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc.
Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc. v. Schiavo, 2003 WL 23305833, 17 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. D 291 (M.D. Fla. Oct. 21, 2003).
10-21-03 US District Court Order

October 21, 2003
Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube is reinserted.

October 22 2003
David Demeres, Chief Judge for the Pinellas County Circuit Court, orders both the Schindlers and Michael Schiavo to agree within 5 days on an independent guardian ad litem as required under the Governor’s order. (“Terri’s Law” directs: “Upon issuance of the stay, the chief judge of the circuit court shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the patient to make recommendations to the Governor and the court.”)
Schiavo's Response
Schindlers' Response

October 28, 2003
President George W. Bush praises the way his brother, Governor Jeb Bush, has handled the Schiavo matter.
Transcript of Rose Garden Press Conference

October 29, 2003
Michael Schiavo files court papers in his state-court lawsuit, arguing that “Terri’s Law” is unconstitutional. The American Civil Liberties Union has joined Michael Schiavo.
Michael Schiavo petitioner brief

October 31, 2003
Judge Demers appoints Dr. Jay Wolfson as Terri Schiavo’s guardian ad litem. Dr. Wolfson holds both medical and legal degrees; he is also a public health professor at the University of South Florida. He is supposed to represent Terri Schiavo’s best interest in court, but he has no authority to make decisions for her.
10-31-03 GAL Appointment

November 4, 2003
Governor Jeb Bush asks Circuit Court Judge W. Douglas Baird to dismiss Michael Schiavo’s suit (filed October 21, 2003) that challenges “Terri’s Law.”

November 8, 2003
Judge Baird denies Governor Bush’s motion to dismiss the state-court suit.

November 10, 2003
Governor Bush appeals Judge Baird’s decision; the filing of the appeal has the effect of staying the removal of Terri Schiavo’s PEG tube.

November 14, 2003
Judge Baird vacates the stay.
11-14-03 Order vacating stay.

November 14, 2003
In response to Judge Baird’s lifting the stay, the 2nd DCA issues an indefinite stay.

November 19, 2003
Governor Bush files a petition to remove Judge Baird.
11-19-03 Petition

November 21, 2003
Florida Sens. Stephen Wise and Jim Sebesta introduce legislation (S692) that would require persons in persistent vegetative states to be administered medically supplied nutrition and hydration in the absence of a living will, regardless of family beliefs about what those patients would have wanted. The measure is withdrawn from consideration on April 16, 2004.
Bill to require sustenence when no living will exists

December 1, 2003
Jay Wolfson, guardian ad litem, concludes in his report that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state with no chance of improvement.
Wolfson's Report
Governor Bush's response to Wolfson's report

December 10, 2003
The 2nd DCA refuses to remove Judge Baird, who is the presiding judge in the state-court lawsuit filed October 21, 2003.
Bush v. Schiavo, 861 So. 2d 506 (2nd DCA 2003) (No. 2D03-5244)
12-10-03 Court Opinion

January 5, 2004
The Schindler family petitions the Pinellas County Circuit Court to reappoint Jay Wolfson, the guardian ad litem.
1-05-04 Schindlers petition to reappoint GAL

January 8, 2004
Judge Demers rejects the request to reappoint the guardian ad litem, citing the pending court decisions over the constitutionality of “Terri’s Law” as reason to wait on any action.
1-08-04 Order denying reinstatement of GAL

February 13, 2004
The 2nd DCA reverses Judge Baird’s ruling (in the case filed October 21, 2003) that denied the Schindlers permission to intervene in Michael Schiavo’s Constitutional challenge to “Terri’s Law.” The 2nd DCA explains that Judge Baird did not follow proper procedure. The court also gives permission to Governor Bush to question several witnesses who Judge Baird previously had ruled could not offer any relevant testimony.
Bush v. Schiavo, 866 So. 2d 140 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2004) (on intervention); 866 So. 2d 136 (2nd DCA 2004) (on request to take depositions). (Case No. 2D03-5783).
bushschiavo2 13 04 opn.pdf
2-13-04 Opinion allowing parents to intervene

March 12, 2004
Judge Baird again rejects the Schindlers’ request to intervene in Michael Schiavo’s suit that questions the constitutionality of “Terri’s Law.”

March 20, 2004

Pope John Paul II addresses World Federation of Catholic Medical Associations and Pontifical Academy for Life Congress on "Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State: Scientific Advances and Ethical Dilemmas." His remarks spark widespread interest and controversy.Pope's address

March 29, 2004
Nursing home workers discover 4 “fresh puncture wounds” on one arm and a fifth wound on the other arm; the workers state that a hypodermic needle appears to have caused the wounds. Attendants discovered the wounds shortly after the Schindlers visited Terri Schiavo for 45 minutes. Toxicology reports indicate that no substance was injected into Terri Schiavo. Clearwater police later conclude that the marks might have been made by a device used to move Ms. Schiavo and, in any case, that no evidence of abuse or other wrongdoing could be found.St. Petersburg Times report (May 15, 2004)

March 29, 2004
Judge Greer denies a motion filed by the Schindlers seeking to have Michael Schiavo defend himself in a hearing; they allege that he is violating a 1996 court order that requires him to share a sufficient amount of Terri Schiavo’s medical information. Michael Schiavo claims that he has shared an adequate amount of information through attorneys.

April 16, 2004

S692 is withdrawn from consideration in the Florida Legislature.S692 History

April 23, 2004

The 2nd DCA rules that the Pinellas County trial court has jurisdiction to hear and is the proper venue for the case Michael Schiavo has filed against Governor Bush asserting that "Terri's Law" is unconstitutional.
2nd DCA Jurisdictional ruling

May 6, 2004
Pinellas Circuit Judge W. Douglas Baird rules that "Terri's Law," sought and signed by Gov. Bush and approved by the Legislature on October 21, 2003, is unconstitutional. The governor appeals the ruling.
Judge Baird's order

June 1, 2004
The 2nd DCA grants a motion from attorneys for Michael Schiavo to send the case directly to the FloridaSupreme Court and bypass a lower-court review. Meanwhile, attorneys for Gov. Bush file a motion asking that all appeals be halted until the issue of whether Michael Schiavo has the authority to fight the governor on his wife's behalf is resolved.
Tallahassee Democrat report

June 16, 2004
Florida's Supreme Court, pointing to "a question of great public importance requiring immediate resolution by this Court," accepts jurisdiction and sets oral arguments for August 31, 2004.
Florida Supreme Court order

June 30, 2004
2nd DCA affirms Judge Baird's March 12 ruling denying the Schindlers the ability to intervene in the lawsuit over the constitutionality of "Terri's Law."

July 19, 2004

The Schindlers file a motion in the Circuit Court for Pinellas County seeking relief from judgment in Schindler v. Schiavo. Based in part upon the recent statement by Pope John Paul II, they argue that the orders mandating withdrawal of the PEG tube from Terri and authorizing Michael to challenge the constitutionality of "Terri's Law" violate her "free exercise of her religious beliefs [and] her right to enjoy and defend her own life and, in fact, imperil her immortal soul."Relief from judgment motionAppendix to motion (seven exhibits)

July 27, 2004
National group of bioethicists files amicus brief "in support of Michael Schiavo as guardian of the person."
Bioethicists' amicus brief

August 31, 2004
The Florida Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the lawsuit over the constitutionality of "Terri's Law."
Streaming video of the proceedings, archived by WFSU at Florida State University
St. Petersburg Times report

August 31, 2004

Circuit Judge George Greer, opposed for re-election by an attorney who was known to oppose Greer's rulings in the Schiavo case, is re-elected by a large margin.
St. Petersburg Times report

September 23, 2004
Florida's Supreme Court, unanimously affirming the trial court order, declares "Terri's Law" unconstitutional.Supreme Court ruling

October 4, 2004
Governor Bush files a motion and then an amended motion for rehearing and clarification of the Florida Supreme Court opinion issued on September 23, 2004
Amended motion for rehearing and clarification

October 21, 2004

Florida Supreme Court denies Governor Bush's amended motion for rehearing and clarification, as well as a motion seeking permission to file a second amended motion for rehearing and clarification. The Court issues a mandate.

October 22, 2004
In Pinellas County, at the trial-court level, Judge Greer denies the motion filed by the Schindlers on July 19, 2004. He also stays the removal of her PEG tube until December 6, 2004.Order Denying MotionOrder Granting Stay

October 25, 2004

Governor Bush files a motion with the Florida Supreme Court asking that it recall the mandate it issued on October 22 because he will be filing a petition for certiorari regarding this case with the United States Supreme Court.Motion to Recall Mandate
Appendix to Motion

October 27, 2004

Florida Supreme Court grants Governor Bush's motion asking that it recall the mandate issued on October 22. Proceedings in the trial and all appellate courts in the case of Bush v. Schiavo are stayed until November 29, 2004.
Order Recalling Mandate

November 22, 2004
In the guardianship proceeding in Pinellas County, the Schindlers appeal from Judge Greer’s October 22 order denying their motion for relief from judgment.Brief Seeking Review

December 3, 2004

Governor Bush files a petition for certiorari, seeking review of the Florida Supreme Court’s decision regarding Terri’s law, with the U.S. Supreme Court.U.S. Supreme Court DocketPetition for Writ of Certiorari
December 29, 20042nd DCA, without opinion, denies the Schindlers' November 22 appeal from Judge Greer's order refusing to reopen the guardianship proceeding.

January 10, 2005

The Schindlers again ask Judge Greer to remove Michael Schiavo from his judicial appointed post of Terri’s guardian.
January 13, 2005The Schindlers file two motions – one in the 2d DCA, asking it to reconsider its decision of December 29, 2004, and a second in the trial court guardianship proceeding, asking Judge Greer once again to prevent withdrawal of nutrition and hydration until the 2d DCA does so.
January 24, 2005

The United States Supreme Court refused to grant review of the case in which the Florida Supreme Court struck down “Terri’s Law” as unconstitutional.
February 7, 2005

Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services cites the Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation for failing to register with the state to solicit donations.
February 11, 2005

In Pinellas County, Judge Greer denies the Schindlers' motions, filed January 10 and 13, 2005. The order authorizing withdrawal of the PEG tube remains in effect, although implementation is stayed pending the outcome of currently pending appeals.

February 15, 2005

The Schindlers ask the 2nd DCA to stay the mandate issued when it refused to hear their most recent appeal.

February 16, 2005

Randall Terry, founder of the pro-life activist organization Operation Rescue, appears with the Schindlers at a news conference, vowing protest vigils against removal of the PEG tube.

February 18, 2005

The Schindlers again petition Judge Greer in Pinellas County for reconsideration of the order of February 11, 2005, in which the court upheld its judgment, made in the year 2000, that the PEG tube should be removed.

February 18, 2005

Florida Representatives Baxley Brown; Cannon; Davis, D.; Flores; Goldstein; Lopez-Cantera; Murzin; Quinones; Traviesa introduced H 701 in the Florida Legislature. H 701, mirroring S. 692 (introduced in October 2003 and withdrawn in April 2004), would require maintenance of medically supplied nutrition and hydration in incapacitated persons in most instances. H.701

February 21, 2005

The 2d DCA denies the Schindlers’ motion of February 15, 2005, clearing the way for removal of the PEG tube when the current stay expires on February 22, 2005. Judge Greer schedules a hearing on the Schindlers’ motion of February 18, 2005, for February 23, 2005.

February 22, 2005

Judge Greer stays removal of the PEG tube until 5 p.m. on February 23, 2005 (after he hears argument on the motion filed by the Schindlers on February 18, 2005).

February 23, 2005

After a hearing, Judge Greer extends the stay preventing removal of the PEG tube until 5 p.m. on February 25, 2005, to permit time to issue an order detailing his decisions regarding matters discussed at the hearing. Officials from Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) move to intervene in the case, but Judge Greer denies the motion to intervene at the hearing.

February 25, 2005

Judge Greer denies the motion before him and orders that, “absent a stay from the appellate courts, the guardian, Michael Schiavo, shall cause the removal of nutrition and hydration from the ward, Theresa Schiavo, at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2005.”Order Denying Stay

February 26, 2005

The St. Petersburg Times reports that a Vatican cardinal spoke on Vatican Radio opposing removal of the PEG tube.St. Petersburg Times article

February 28, 2005

The Schindlers file a number of motions with Judge Greer, addressing a range of issues. They also indicate that they will appeal the judge's decision of February 25, 2005. Judge Greer denies some of the motions but agreed to set a hearing date to consider others.St. Petersburg Times article

March 7, 2005

The Schindlers appeal Judge Greer's February 25, 2005 order to the 2nd DCA.Bioethicists from six Florida universities submit an analysis of H701.Bioethicists' analysis

March 8, 2005

U.S. Rep. David Weldon (R.-Fla.) introduces in the United States House of Representatives H.R. 1151, titled the Incapactitated Persons' Legal Protection Act. The bill would permit a federal court to review the Schiavo matter through a habeas corpus lawsuit.H.R. 1151

March 9, 2005

The Florida House Health Care Regulation Committee considers H.701, voting to approve a Council/Committee Substitute 701 instead of the original version.Council/Committee Substitute 701

March 10, 2005

Judge Greer issues order denying Florida's Department of Children and Families the right to intervene in the guardianship case.

March 14, 2005

The Judiciary Committee in the Florida House considers H.701, voting to approve another Committee substitute for the original bill. The Sun-Sentinel reports that the House and the Senate have agreed that this bill will come to a vote.Second Committee Substitute 701

March 15, 2005

The Florida House Health & Families Council considers and approves the second committee substitute H.701.
The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee passes S.804, providing that medically supplied nutrition and hydration cannot be “suspended from” a person in a PVS if: (1) the purpose of the suspension is “solely to end the life of” a person in a PVS; (2) a conflict exists on the issue of suspension of medically supplied nutrition and hydration among the persons who could be proxy decisionmakers for that person under Florida law; and (3) the person in the PVS had not executed a written advance directive or designated a health care surrogate.Senate Bill 804

March 16, 2005

The 2d DCA affirms Judge Greer’s orders and refuses to stay the scheduled March 18 withdrawal of the PEG tube.2d DCA Opinion
The U.S. House of Representatives, by voice vote, passes H.R. 1332, the Protection of Incapacitated Persons Act of 2005. This bill would amend federal law to provide for removal of certain cases to federal court from state court, rather than authorizing use of the federal habeas corpus remedy to obtain federal court review, as H.R. 1151 would have.H.R. 1332

March 17, 2005

The Florida House of Representatives approves H.701, after some amendments.House-Engrossed H.701
The Florida Senate votes down S.804.History of S.804
Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) petitions the Florida Supreme Court for relief, and the Florida Supreme Court denies the petition.DCF All Writs PetitionFlorida Supreme Court order
The U.S. Senate passes a “private bill” applying to the Schiavo case but differing from H.R. 1332. The U.S. Senate website, at www.senate.gov, explains a “private bill” as follows: “A private bill provides benefits to specified individuals (including corporate bodies). Individuals sometimes request relief through private legislation when administrative or legal remedies are exhausted. Many private bills deal with immigration–granting citizenship or permanent residency. Private bills may also be introduced for individuals who have claims again the government, veterans benefits claims, claims for military decorations, or taxation problems. The title of a private bill usually begins with the phrase, "For the relief of. . . ." If a private bill is passed in identical form by both houses of Congress and is signed by the President, it becomes a private law.”U.S. Senate Bill 653 ESOrlando Sentinel article
The Schindlers ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case, but the U.S. Supreme Court denies their petition.Schindlers’ Petition to U.S. Supreme CourtU.S. Supreme Court Denial

March 18, 2005

The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform issues five subpoenas: one commanding Michael Schiavo to appear before it and bring with him the “hydration and nutrition equipment” in working order; three commanding physicians and other personnel at the hospice to do the same; and one commanding Terri Schiavo to appear before it. The subpoenas would require that the PEG tube remain in working order until at least the date of testimony, March 25, 2005. The subpoenas are included as appendices to the U.S. House All Writs Petition (see just below).The Committee on Government Reform also moves to intervene in the guardianship litigation before Judge Greer and asks Judge Greer to stay his order requiring removal of the PEG tube. Judge Greer denies the motions.U.S. House Motion to InterveneU.S. House Motion for Stay
The Committee on Government Reform files an emergency all-writs petition with the Florida Supreme Court, effectively seeking reversal of Judge Greer’s denial of its motions. The Florida Supreme Court denies this petition.U.S. House All Writs Petition The House Committee on Government Reform asks the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Florida Supreme Court’s denial of its petition. Justice Kennedy, acting for the Court, denies the application for relief.U.S. Supreme Court Docket, Case No. SC05-449
The PEG tube is removed in mid-afternoon. This is the third time the tube has been removed in accordance with court orders.The Schindlers, as “next friends” of their daughter, file a petition for writ of habeas corpus in federal district court in the Middle District of Florida. That court dismisses the case for lack of jurisdiction and refuses to issue a temporary restraining order because “there is not a substantial likelihood that [the Schindlers] will prevail on their federal constitutional claims.”Schindlers' Habeas Corpus Petition
U.S. House Speaker Tom DeLay and other Republican House members discuss the Schiavo case.DeLay on Schiavo via C-Span

March 19-20, 2005

The U.S. Senate delays its Easter recess and works on Saturday to reach a compromise with the House on a bill, S.686, closely resembling the special bill it passed on March 17. On Palm Sunday (which holiday is frequently noted in debate), it then passes S.686 and the U.S. House of Representatives returns from Easter recess for a special session to debate S.686.U.S. Senate Compromise Bill S.686

March 20, 2005

House Republicans hold news conference.Video via C-Span
House Democrats hold news conference. Video via C-Span

March 21, 2005

Shortly past 12:30 a.m., the U.S. House of Representatives votes 203-58 to suspend its rules and pass S.686.Congressional Debate on S.686Roll call vote on S.686
President Bush signs S.686 at 1:11 a.m.Federal District Court Judge James D. Whittemore, Middle District of Florida (in Tampa), hears arguments on the Schindlers' motion that he order re-insertion of the PEG tube while the lawsuit they will assert pursuant to S.686 is litigated.Motion for Injunction Response to Motion for InjunctionGovernment's Statement of Interest

March 22, 2005

Federal District Court Judge Whittemore refuses to order re-insertion of the PEG tube.Federal Court OrderThe Schindlers appeal Judge Whittemore’s decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.Schindlers’ 11th Circuit AppealSchindlers' Appeal Exhibits Michael Schiavo’s ResponseGovernment’s Statement of Interest
The Schindlers file an amended complaint in the federal district court, adding a number of new claims.Amended Complaint
A look at Capitol Hill politics in Schiavo case.NPR "Morning Edition" broadcast

March 23, 2005

The U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 vote, denies the Schindlers' appeal.11th Circuit OpinionUnited States Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, acting en banc (as a whole), refuses to rehear the Schindlers’ appeal, leaving intact the court’s ruling earlier in the day. En Banc Rehearing Denial
House Democrats and Republicans hold news conferences.Video via C-Span
The Florida Senate, by a vote of 21-18, again refuses to pass S.804. This bill was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 15, 2005.Senate Bill 804History of S.804
Florida Governor Jeb Bush reports that a neurologist, Dr. William Cheshire, claims that Ms. Schiavo is not in a persistent vegetative state. The governor asks the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) to obtain custody of Ms. Schiavo in light of allegations of abuse. Judge Greer holds a hearing on the matter.DCF Motion to InterveneDr. Cheshire's Affidavit
The Schindlers file a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court.Schindlers’ Supreme Court PetitionRespondents’ Brief
Judge Greer issues a restraining order prohibiting DCF from removing Ms. Schiavo from the hospice or otherwise re-inserting the PEG tube.
The Schindlers ask again for a restraining order in federal court.Second Motion for Restraining OrderMemorandum in Support of Motion
Five members of the U.S. House of Representatives ask the U.S. Supreme Court to file a “friend of the court” brief.U.S. Supreme Court Docket, Case No. 04A825

March 24, 2005

The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear the Schindlers’ case.U.S. Supreme Court OrderThe Schindlers file a Second Amended Complaint, adding several claims, in the federal court case. Count X, titled “Right to Life,” alleges a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s right to life because removing the PEG tube is “contrary to [Ms. Schiavo’s] wish to live.”Second Amended Complaint
The trial court (Judge Whittemore) schedules a hearing for 6 p.m. and orders supplemental briefs on Count X.Whittemore Order
Judge Greer denies DCF’s motion to intervene. DCF appeals Judge Greer’s order. Judge Greer vacates the automatic stay upon appeal. The 2d District Court of Appeal refuses to reinstate the stay. The Florida Supreme Court dismisses a motion on this matter because it “fails to invoke” the court’s jurisdiction.DCF Motion in Florida Supreme Court (describing events)Exhibits to MotionFlorida Supreme Court Order

March 25, 2005

Judge Whittemore denies the Schindlers’ second motion for an order re-inserting the PEG tube.District Court 2d TRO Order
The Schindlers appeal Judge Whittemore’s order to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. The Eleventh Circuit affirms. The Schindlers announce that they will pursue no more federal appeals.Schindlers’ BriefResponsive BriefSecond Eleventh Circuit Opinion
The Schindlers file an emergency motion attempting to convince Judge Greer to reinsert the PEG, at least temporarily until the Eleventh Circuit decides their appeal. The motion contends her family heard her try to verbalize "I want to live," according to news reports. (This motion and accompanying affidavits comprise Appendix 7 of the Schindlers’ Petition linked under March 26, just below.)
DCF appeals Judge Greer's March 23 denial of its first motion to intervene to the 2d DCA.DCF Appeal

March 26, 2005

Judge Greer denies the Schindlers' motion of March 25, 2005.Judge Greer's Order
The Schindlers appeal to the Florida Supreme Court to reverse Judge Greer's refusal to reinsert the PEG tube, but the Florida Supreme Court refuses to do so, citing a lack of jurisdiction.Schindlers' PetitionFlorida Supreme Court OrderNews agencies report the arrest on March 25 of Richard Alan Meywes of Fairview, N.C., for offering $250,000 for the killing of Michael Schiavo and another $50,000 for the death of Judge Greer.CNN Report
The Schindlers advise supporters demonstrating around the hospice to return home to spend the Easter holiday with their families. The protesters remain.

March 27, 2005

In an interview on CNN, Governor Bush says: "I cannot violate a court order. I don't have power from the U.S. Constitution, or the Florida Constitution for that matter, that would allow me to intervene after a decision has been made."CNN Report

March 29, 2005

The Rev. Jesse Jackson leads a prayer service outside the hospice and speaks out against removal of the PEG tube.

March 30, 2005

The Eleventh Circuit, acting both through a panel and as a whole, denies the motion for rehearing it permitted the Schindlers to file.Panel OrderOrder of Entire Eleventh Circuit
The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to review the Eleventh Circuit ruling.U.S. Supreme Court Docket

March 31, 2005

Ms. Schiavo dies at 9:05 a.m. Her body is transported to the Pinellas Country Coroners’ Office for an autopsy.



Tell me Judge Greer,
as you define it,

Is this artificial Life Support?
With a successful judicial assisted murder,will we see our rights to be treated and rehabilitated be relegated to a Court?
Is a government that has a preoccupation with social issues such as the solvency of Medicaid and Social Security, the one who should be the arbitrators of quality of life issues? Should the there be any entity, be it Congressional or Judicial that has the power to determine when you should be 'allowed to die' or allowed to live? In cases not involving a crime, I say ABSOLUTELY NOT!

What these Florida courts are doing is writing laws under the guise of judicial ruling. The Congress has a Constitutional right to rein in these out of control judiciaries. The Senate had better use their power here or the precedent set could promote the Federal Courts to a level of power that resembles the mandate the Germans gave Hitler to assess the quality of life. Hitler also had doctors who had an anti Semitic view that drove them to decide that Jews as a race were sickly, halfmen who should be put out of their misery in the interest of compassion. You may be all huffy because I compared the Liberal Judicial system to Hitler, but you have to admit, the agendas and the goals are the same! God determines whether I serve a purpose on this Earth, not some Florida lawyer sitting behind a bench.

What is 'Artificial Life Support' to you? Does food and water constitute artificial life support?If you have a problem seeing the issue in plain black and white, you could have a severe deficiency in your ability to discern right and wrong. In that case, watch out for Judge Greer. He may determine that your quality of life is too low to allow you to live. There could be men in suits at your house right now collecting all your forks and spoons.

Democrats are flirting with Obscurity


Now I'm sure you have heard the arguments by the left, regarding the Congress stepping in and doing what was right in the Terri Shiavo case. Florida Democrat Congressman Jim Davis said, "Congress is overturning the separation of powers by disregarding the laws in Florida and the decisions of a Judge that have not been reversed on appeal. The United States Congress is now on the verge of telling states and Courts that their decisions and rules do not matter."

This is the kind of walking defecation the Democrats have chosen to represent them.

I want to make this argument a little clearer for everyone to understand. These entities Mr. Davis is talking about represent things. For instance,
"The US Congress" is actually " The Majority of the People"
"The State Courts"
is really " A single individual's judgment"
" The State" is really "1/50th of the people"

So when you substitute the true names, the comment shows who is correct in this debate.

"The majority of the people is overturning the separation of powers by disregarding the laws of 1/50th of the people and the decisions of a a single man that have not been reversed on appeal.The Majority of the people are now on the verge of telling 1/50th of the people and one man that their decisions and rules do not matter."

Ok I can accept that. The Majority is telling the minority that they can't have it their way! Boo Hoo, Didn't we hear this same argument erupt in the last two elections they lost? When will the Libs understand that we are a Country ruled by majority opinion.

The funny thing is that these people will never get their way.
You see, the only way they can get power is to abandon their agenda. They can't win as long as they hold onto a view that is supported by a minority fringe. Hillary understands that. She is already selling herself as the slightly more feminine version of William F Buckley.

The House votes tonight just after midnight. It will go through and Bush will sign it into law by early Monday.
If these Democrats in the House do not step up and be on the side of Life and not Death.... they will see themselves replaced. They whine about the great divide in America. They say, " oh no the Evil George Bush has Polarized us".
Yeah, we're polarized alright. Any time half of a group of people are WRONG and the other half is RIGHT, there will be a division. That, my dear leftist, is a good thing!

The Constitution Supports Congress Intervention


Question: 1) Does Terri have a right to die or a right to live?
Liberal Answer-
They think she has the Right to Die!

Question: 2) Does the US Congress have the right to step in?
Liberal Answer-
The Liberals say NO!

We heard the Liberal answers above.
Now lets see how the Constitution answers them.

Question: 1) Does Terri have the right to die or the right to live?

Constitutional Answer-
The 14th Amendment: Section 1~ .....No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Question:2) Does the US Congress have the right to step in?

Constitutional Answer-
The 14th Amendment: Section 5~(refering to Article 1) The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
Although the 14th Amendment is the most clear statute, Article Three Establishes the Ordainer and the Establisher of the Courts.
Article 3;Section One
"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish........"
Article 3,Section two gives explicit rights to Congress to intervene in State cases as much as enforcing the right of a case to be heard by the US Appellate Courts. It says: "... In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."
Aaaaany Questions ?

Congress STAYS Terri's execution

Unanimous in the Senate.
Then upheld by a vote of
203 to 58 in the House!!!!

The Fed. Judge in Florida did not have the insight to help Terri. I never thought he would. Her next to last and slim hope lies in Atlanta.
Next stop, Eleventh Circuit Appellate Court.
We must still pray for guidance in the hearts of these federal judges.
Just a word of dis-comfort to those who may wonder how the 11th District Court of Appeals may lean.
1)In 2000 they ordered the manual recount in Florida.
2)But worst of all, the presiding Supreme Court Justice over the 11th District is Justice Anthony Kennedy. He is a shill Democrat bent on extreme leftist agendas. This is the largest hump she will cross, if she lives through this court. She will see rehab and stability become achievable.